John Dunigan shares how he puts his students on the path to improvement with these mindsets and frameworks.
Thoughts from instructor John Dunigan…
I want to put my golfers on a collision course with unavoidable improvement.
How can you avoid improvement if you get curious about your mistakes instead of angry?
Sometimes I tell people, “You’re not good. Golf keeps telling me, telling you, you’re not good. Stop getting mad and start getting better.”
Golf has a very clear way of telling you just where you are at with the game.
Keep it clinical, not emotional.
You’re going to get mad but you have three seconds. Get mad, and then get moving.
Ask yourself “What am I gonna do better now?”
And you have to stop the judging. Who appointed you judge? Right now, your job is to learn.
I believe after 30 some years after doing this job that this is the single greatest impediment to learning. Judging the outcome. So don’t do it.
I want you to look for clues.
Look at how that golf club causes that ball flight. The ball did exactly what the club told it to do. You told the club to do something. What could you do differently?
Try radically differently.
Try to make the same old mistake.
Sometimes you can cure a slicer by teaching them how to slice a golf ball. Sometimes you tell them, “Why do you slice?” And they say, “Because I cut across the golf ball.” I go, “Are you sure?” “Well, no.”
Well how do you know that?
How do you know if it was a path slice or a face slice, and then I all of a sudden, with that little tiny question, I get them in a whole different category of interested. “Wait a minute, there’s two ways to slice it?” Well yeah, there’s actually three, because you could just cut it off the heel with your driver.