How to Deal with Nerves on the Golf Course

Dealing with nerves during pressure situations is something most golfers have to learn to deal with. So what are the best strategies to give yourself better opportunities to perform under pressure?

The Reality of Effective “Swing Thoughts”

dr noel rousseau swing thoughts

You would think that an 8 year study on the benefits of relinquishing swing thoughts would lead me to become a sports psychologist, complete hippy or otherwise esoteric character.

Recommended Books on PERFORMANCE from Past Contributors

golf books on performance

Looking for some books on the mental side of golf to help with your performance on the golf course? We went back through our season 2 guests and Unlocking Performance Masterclass and compiled a list of useful resources for you.

Visualization Hurting Golf Performance?

golf visualization

Recent studies have shown that visualizing right before we perform actually hurts performance. The studies found the most useful place to use visualization was away from completion.