The Importance of Posture in Putting

Insights from Blast Motion founder and expert instructor Mike Bentley on the importance of posture in putting and how it relates to the entire swing.

How to TRAIN in the gym like a Tour Pro

train in the gym like a tour pro

Get insights into how Jason Glass works with some of the best players in the world.  It’s an approach to fitness that’s far beyond how much weight to use and deciding if you should lift or not.

2 FREE Golf Science Lab Resources

We create a lot of content and great resources here at the Golf Science Lab. I wanted to quickly highlight two awesome free resources we created for you to go through.

The Myth of “Perfect Practice Makes Perfect”

We’ve all heard the phrase “perfect practice makes perfect” but what does the research say about learning? That’s what we’re talking about with one of the leaders in the field of golf research, Dr Tim Lee